Secure messaging

Secure messaging is the best way for you to share confidential and sensitive information with WCB. You can use secure messaging to:

  • Ask us questions and get answers (if your question is about a specific claim, include the claim number)

  • Send us files

  • Receive information from us

  • Keep a record of your communications with us

All secure messages that are linked to a claim number, including their attachments, become a permanent part of the claim file. Secure messages without a claim number, including their attachments, will be saved on your businesses WCB account file.

Send a secure message

  1. Select the Messages tab, then select New Secure Message.

  2. Use the dropdown menu to select the topic that best fits your message. Your choices are:

    • Employer account information

    • Claims/return to work information

    • Prevention

    • Other

    If your message is related to a claim, include the WCB claim number. Be sure to only reference information about one specific claim in your message.

  3. Enter your message in the Message box.

  4. You can include one or several attachments (maximum size 10 megabytes in total) with your secure message. To attach a file, select the Browse button, choose the file to be attached and select Open. Repeat this until all files are attached.

    Please note that when naming documents to be uploaded to our system or attached to secure messages, special characters cannot be used.

  5. Select Send.

    Error message? Check to see if the attachment(s) exceed the maximum allowable size. You may need to send the attachments in separate secure messages.

Receive a secure message

You will get an email notification when you receive a secure message from us. The email will contain a link to your MyAccount login page. Sign in, and you will be taken directly to the secure message.

You can also access your secure messages by selecting Messages on your MyAccount home page.

To read a message, select the Message Number for the message you want to open. This will open all messages in that thread, including the original and all replies.

Reply to a secure message

Type in the message field of any opened message. Your message cannot be longer than 10,000 characters.

Note: Check the message status if you are having trouble replying to a message. You cannot reply to a message with a status of Closed.

Administrator users vs. others

Administrator-level users have a drop-down box that other profiles do not. Users with administrator access can choose to see:

  • My Messages—only their secure messages to and from the WCB

  • All Messages—all secure messages between WCB and other users with MyAccount profiles for employer location