When to use forms

You can complete and submit a number of WCB forms directly through your online account, including forms for:

Travel Expenses: Related to your claim or medical appointments for reimbursement.

Direct Deposit: Sign up for it or update your banking information.

Job Search Planner: Part of your return-to-work plan.

Release of Information: Identify any individual you either authorize or no longer authorize to receive information about your claim.

Notice of Appeal: Register an appeal of a written claim.

Send a form

  1. Select the Forms page.

  2. Select Create New Form.

  3. Fill out all required fields. If this form relates to a specific claim, include the claim number.

  4. Select Save Draft if you need to complete the form later.

  5. Attach any relevant files by selecting Attachment. Maximum total attachment size is 10 megabytes; the attachment icon will turn red when the size reaches 75% of maximum.

  6. Some forms require an electronic signature. Select the signature check box if necessary.

  7. Select Submit.

    Forms cannot be changed, deleted, or edited after they are submitted.

Trouble submitting a form?

Check that all required fields are filled out. Any field highlighted in red means information is missing. Some forms require an electronic signature. Check that you have provided yours.

Please note: Some users may be experiencing difficulties submitting forms because of missing information in mandatory fields. Please ensure to complete all entries marked with an asterisk (*) before submitting the form.

Document names must remain under 260 characters and not include any of the following special characters: ~ " # % & * : < > ? / \ { | }

Sending a form as an attachment

If the form you want to send is not web-based, send it as an attachment to a secure message. See Send a Secure Message.